Irene Kobusinge
Irene Kobusinge is an Internationally Certified HSE and Mining Engineer. She possesses excellent communication and public speaking skills.
Over the 5 years expertise with the extractive Industry, Irene has delivered executive trainings to VIPs on the Tilenga Project, published several articles about mining, Oil and Gas and Voluntarily supported Artisanal Small-scale miners with successful Grant writing and advocated for best Practices.
In 2021, during her mentorship Programme with AEMI, Irene won a fully funded grant by UNDP- ACP-EU Development minerals Programme for MIRAC (Mid- Western Region Anti-Corruption Coalition) to support Artisanal and small-scale miners. She Inspires to continuously advocate for an exceptional value in the extractives industry: Mining, Oil and Gas Industries.
Irene has Published several Journal articles such as Oil and gas for sustainable Development, Development minerals an Important Sector to focus on, among others with the leading Uganda’s media houses.
Irene continuously posts insightful and inspiring articles on her LinkedIn page for sustainable development . She is also a founding member of Joren Mineral Consultants, a private owned Company making ground in the Extractive Industry.
Irene aspires to support and empower fellow youth and women for the sustainable development of her country and nation at large.