Mr Desire Runganga

Mr Desire Runganga

Project Manager for Fund-raising for Artisanal and Small-Scale Miners (ASM) Project

Desire is a 2022 Mandela Rhodes Scholar and an emerging legal engineer within the extractives sector. He holds an MSc in Mining Engineering from the University of Zimbabwe, a Bachelor of Engineering in Mining & Mineral Processing Engineering & is completing his Master of Mineral & Petroleum Use & Extraction Law at the University of Cape Town. He has taught mineral law and mineral economics across three state universities.

He’s currently researching at the Mineral Law in Africa and is serving as a mentor to MasterCard Foundation postgraduate Scholars. Desire has vast experience in the mining industry. He has worked for Vast Resources Plc and has been involved in mining explosives consultancy. Desire has extensive experience in academic spaces. He has worked as a researcher at the University of Johannesburg, taught mining engineering at Midlands State University of Applied Sciences, Manicaland State University & Gwanda State University and as the University of Cape Town Career Services Department brand ambassador.

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